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Fushi Wellbeing combines rich cultural heritage and Ayurvedic recipes with modern science to create ethical natural remedies. This blend emphasizes the link between health and beauty, central to Fushi’s mission.

Fushi commits to using only pure, natural ingredients. These products provide real benefits and show respect for the planet. This commitment guides every choice, from ingredient selection to product formulation, focusing on integrity and mindfulness.

From their London workshop, Fushi handcrafts products with care. The team uses traditional methods like hand-blending and cold-pressing organic oils and herbs. These ingredients are ethically sourced from the current season’s harvest, ensuring potency and freshness. This process reflects Fushi’s focus on quality and sustainability.

Fushi also supports developing communities and global farmers. This support improves their lives and ensures the use of sustainable ingredients. Such ethical sourcing fosters a good relationship with nature and between communities.

Fushi’s packaging is eco-friendly, featuring recyclable glass with aluminum lids. Their products are vegan, cruelty-free, and certified by Leaping Bunny and the Ethical Company Organisation. These certifications highlight Fushi’s commitment to holistic, ethical beauty and well-being.