Since plastic pollution finds it’s way into the general media more often these days, Zero Waste Lifestyle gains traction. Around the world articles about Zero Wasters appear in magazines and new books get published helping newbies finding their way into the Lifestyle.
Zero Waste Lifestyle in Haarlem gets a kick start
The newly founded business oodles and pinches sets out to help beginning and advanced zero wasters on their journey towards a Zero Waste Lifestyle. It aims to offer any product, be it reusable or consumable, for the Lifestyle and to make it the most convenient possible for it’s customers.
What does that mean actually?
Inge E., founder of oodles and pinches, explains:
Bulk products delivered to Haarlem Residents in reusable containers will be the heart and soul of the company. The initial product range circles around anything in the bathroom and includes liquid bulk products used in the bathroom, zero waste dental care products, a range of zero waste hair care products and plastic free body care products.
“Embarking on the journey towards Zero Waste can be fun and rewarding. I want to help people to get started and to make it so easy and convenient that the changes stick. Since everyone is different and has different preferences and needs, it’s important to me to offer not only the obligatory reusable straw for example but a good variety of options so that everyone can find the perfect solution for themselves.“, says Inge.
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